Blog: Tips to make life easier & Save you money!
We are a resource to you! One of the most important things about being a property owner is to be well-informed on the best ways to keep your investment in great condition. Try these Do-It-Yourself tips for maintaining your property and lawn. And feel free to contact us if you would some additional professional advice.
5 Tips for keeping pests away from your landscape
Written by Josh Kelly, owner of KB Maintenance Solutions LLC

Certain insects and animals can be beneficial to your garden such as butterflies, ladybugs, dragonflies, earthworms, and birds. However, nothing is more detrimental than to watch your lovely landscape fall prey to harmful bugs and critters. So if you are ready for a positive change, try these tricks:
1. Vinegar in a Bottle=Wasp Control. If you have a problem with wasps, an easy fix is to pour 2 inches of vinegar into a long neck bottle, such as an empty wine or beer bottle. Wasps love vinegar, so are drawn into the narrow bottle opening. Place it in a wasp-prone area. Once they find their way into the vinegar bottle, they are no longer able to escape.
2. Beer Bottle & Egg Shells=Slug Control. Did you know that slugs love beer? (They have good taste!) If slugs are invading your garden, take a bottle of beer (about 1/3 full) and burry it upright in the soil with the neck slightly exposed above ground. Slugs will be attracted to the smell, will slip into the bottle, and drown. Another alternative is to sprinkle coarsely ground egg shells on the shady damp soil of where slugs hang out. The egg shells work as a barrier deterrent.
3. Diatomaceous Earth=Parasite Control. DE is an effective all natural pest control against ants, fleas, roaches, lice, grasshoppers, mites, ticks and other insects. Instead of environmentally harmful chemical reactions, DE works as an organic parasite control by dehydrating fleas and other bugs. Simply sprinkle it on the ground. DE wears down the insect's exterior skeleton and then dehydrates the insect. Since it's a mechanical reaction, insects cannot build up immunity to DE.
4. Dishwasher Detergent & Egg=Deer Control. Deer can cause serious problems to your garden. To deter deer from your property, create a solution to spray on trees, shrubs, and crops. Mix together 1 tsp dishwasher detergent, 1 egg, and 1 quart water into a spray bottle. The smell is foul to deer, but is undetectable to people.
5. Soap & Oil=Aphid Control. When temperatures are below 85F, try this method to keep away aphids, spider mites, scales, mealy bugs, and harmful caterpillars. Mix together 1 cup cooking oil and 1 tablespoon liquid soap. Dilute this mix with water at a ratio of 1 teaspoon mix to 1 cup water. Spray on leaves to repel harmful bugs. Just watch out that it isn’t too hot outside, or the oil may harm the leaves.
If you are inspired to make changes to your landscape, give KB Maintenance Solutions a call. We would be happy to assist you with any of your lawn or home maintenance needs. You can reach us at 910.515.0266. Thank you!
4 Tricks to conserve water (and $) for your landscape
Written by Josh Kelly, owner of KB Maintenance Solutions LLC

Summer is a wonderful time of year. But the combination of heat mixed with rapidly growing plant life can make proper hydration pretty expensive. To save the amount of water needed to keep your lawn green, and to keep some “green” in your pocket when water bills get high, try these tricks:
1. Choose drought-tolerant plants. When choosing plants for your landscape, choose plants that need minimal water. Nothing is more unfriendly to your budget than a yard filled with delicate thirsty plants. Ask your local nursery for ideas on drought-tolerant plants for your yard.
2. Group similar plants together. Plants with similar water needs should be positioned in your yard in a way that makes watering easier. Being conscious of placement can save you from future headaches. Be sure to arrange smaller plants in either sun or shade – as needed.
3. Reduce your lawn area. If you have a large property, it may be wise to eliminate turf grass in certain areas and replace it with mulch, gravel, sand, or bricks. Turf grass consumes a great deal of water, so choosing an attractive alternative can save you money in the long run.
4. Make pavement permeable. If your driveway, walkway, or parking area is designed to allow rain water to soak through, the ground will be able to withstand dry weather. Traditional concrete forms a water barrier to the soil, sending rain water to the storm drain. Some water-friendly options are permeable pavement, cement tile, or bricks set in sand.
If you are inspired to make changes to your landscape, give KB Maintenance Solutions a call. We would be happy to assist you with any of your lawn or home maintenance needs. You can reach us at 910.515.0266. Thank you!
3 Guests to invite to your (animal) garden party
Written by Josh Kelly, owner of KB Maintenance Solutions LLC

Although many bugs and critters can be harmful to your garden, there are many “Good Guys” that should be invited! Not only do they help restore balance to your garden, they add beautiful life and excitement. Here are just three guests you should invite to your garden party:
1. Butterflies. These delicate beauties enhance the splendor of your garden. Butterflies help to spread pollen from one plant to another, allowing them to flourish.
HOME ADDRESS: Butterflies linger among tall grasses, meadow plants, and sunny spots to perch. Consider keeping bird feeders and bird baths at a distance, since birds are predators to butterflies.
MENU: Caterpillars enjoy munching on milkweed and rue. To ensure butterflies have a full menu throughout the year, plant nectar producing flowers that bloom throughout various seasons. Provide small puddles of water for butterflies to drink from.
2. Birds of all Types. Bird watching is a hobby that your whole family can enjoy. Birds eat harmful insects and help to transport seeds. Delight in the music of bird songs as you soak up the beauty of your garden.
HOME ADDRESS: Install nesting boxes around your yard. Trees limbs and hanging plants are also a desirable place for birds to raise their young. Brush piles, pine straw and dryer lint make nice nest filling.
MENU: Bird seed, peanut butter, sunflower seed, suet and cornmeal balls are a tasty treat. Berry producing plants are also desired by birds. A bird bath or source of trickling water will quench their thirst.
3. Earthworms. Earthworms are “plant’s best friend” – offering many benefits to the soil. As earthworms burrow, they till and aerate soil. They ingest organic waste and leave behind rich humus.
HOME ADDRESS: Soil rich in organic matter attracts earthworms. Watch out that your soil does not have pesticides, which can harm them. You can even pick up earthworms at a bait shop and bring them home to the garden party.
MENU: Organic matter and compost can be mixed with your soil to add extra nutrients. Spreading a layer of mulch helps to keep soil moist.
If you are inspired to make changes to your landscape, give KB Maintenance Solutions a call. We would be happy to assist you with any of your lawn or home maintenance needs. You can reach us at 910.515.0266. Thank you!